Ownership and Funding Policy

1. Ownership

Online38Media is owned and operated by a privately held company incorporated under applicable laws. The company was founded in [year] by [Founder’s Name].

2. Funding

Online38Media does not accept donations from readers. The website sustains itself through partnerships with various advertising providers. Ads are displayed throughout the website to cover operational expenses.

3. Commercial Independence

a. Editorial Policy: Online38Media follows an independent editorial policy that is free from commercial and political interests. Editorial decisions are made by the newsroom team, comprising reporters, editors, and journalists, without influence from advertisers or sponsors.

b. Conflict of Interest: The website maintains strict policies to avoid conflicts of interest. It does not accept gifts, paid travel, or any form of compensation that may compromise editorial integrity. If the website collaborates with an organization for a product review or event coverage, any relationship is disclosed transparently in the relevant content.

4. Legal Compliance

Online38Media fully complies with all relevant laws and regulations governing media operations. This includes compliance with company laws, taxation regulations, and data privacy laws applicable to the jurisdiction in which it operates.

5. Contact Information

For general queries, readers can contact us via email at [email protected].

For advertising inquiries and partnerships, please contact us via email at sanjumasur@gmail.com.